the hydro dune

each undulation of sound
manifests itself around
lacework white edging silken blue
the gull's wing frames these marvelous hues

the sun's downward journey sends gold ashore
passerby give no second glance to this treasure stored
upon each green crest, then violet, then red
a palette of wonder haloes my head

five ancient birds sink the sun into the sea
and the evening waves sing silence to me
an endless sigh as water falls onto land
and slowly becomes covered with starry bands
of light sent through mist from she, the moon
her messenger the albatross crosses the hydrodune

painted clouds sink into the horizon and dissolve into the night,
the ocean's winking twin the sky
burns with the knowledge of her end
thrown into rippling wave she does descend
sending up her scent and her final song
her romance of the sea rings long


A little red queen sat on a train
That wove a silver thread
Through a tapestry of birch and pine
Thatched with sleepy lakes and vintage cars
Set out to dry beneath a dove grey sky
Matchstick pines, dressed to the nines,
Stood up straight as she passed them by
Rust red houses, and periwinkle too,
Winked at her as she glided on through
She saw swallows and swifts and clumps of sheep
Raining, whispery willows in ochre and cream
A field full of sitting swans made her sigh
And the passing thought of her golden prince,
That made her cry.

The tears of a queen
Are no different than rain
So she shut the window
And did not cry again.

letter to a future lover

there are always birds between us
creatures made of dreams and electricity
fly seamlessly
they sink the sun into the sea
I catch a fish and you tell me
the colors are signs
and what’s yours is mine

I make a promise to you that one day
we will travel to those emerald plains
and kiss the elephants that we see
they will remember for centuries

we then will swim east into years past
when you rode trains through starry lands
my artist there will receive us in a dream
she will show us what she means

then we three will parasail
into five hundred years of silk
we will dance and sing and wear gold rings
and drink the shepherd’s sweetest milk

your jeweled tongue will dress me in tales
and speak the language of the monsoon
as she sweeps us through her hydro dune
through coveted mountains covered with beads
your father’s land will turn into my father’s sea

in that realm of music and rain
that once was the white tiger’s domain
we will find who we are again

lay our heads to sleep on unraveled mystery
our birds will only sing this new history


every fourth of july
my Sister would wear
lipstick the color of plums
and she would tell me fireworks
were the saddest kinds of stars

they could never reach their Sisters in the sky
and so they drowned themselves
became light and ashes
snaking into the water
that cheap mirror


photo of Jessica's cat Kishmish


photo of Jessica's cat Mishti


Coming soon! Along with more content (and cat pics)!

I wouldn't be here without God and my wonderful parents, family, friends, and cats. My everlasting love and gratitude to them all.